Публикации (... - 2003)
Статьи в реферируемых журналах
1. Infrared absorption and hydrodynamical model for polar liquid, Ukrainian Journal of Physics, (USSR), v.24, № 6, 1979, p. 864-865.
2. Dielectric permeability of liquefied rare gases, Ukrainian Journal of Physics. (USSR), v.26, № 9, 1981, p. 1496-1503.
3. Inelastic electron scattering in many-particle systems, Ukrainian Journal of Physics, (USSR), v.27, № 6, 1982, p. 935-939.
4. The kinetics of phase transitions, Czechoslovak Journ. of Phys.,v. B32, 1982, p. 772-776.
5. Collective contributions to the dynamical polarisation of a liquid dispersed particle, Liquid State Phys., № 10, 1082, p. 51-56.
6. The correlation between X-ray and neutron scattering structure factors of simple liquids, Journ. of Technical Phys (USSR), v.1, № 1, 1983, p. 154-156.
7. On the theory of coherent neutron and X-ray scattering from simple liquids, Phys. Lett.(North-Holland, the Netherlands), v. 98A, № 1-2, 1983, p. 60-62.
8. Kinetics of phase transitions in systems with nonconservative order parameter, Liquid State Phys., № 11, 1983, p. 17-21.
9. Statistical structure of energy-loss spectrum of charged particles scattered from disordered systems, Theor. Math. Phys. (USSR), v. 74, № 3, 1988, p. 412-423.
10. Non-ideal plasma properties in terms of EELS integral characteristics. Phys. Lett., A127, № 8-9, 1988, p. 428-430.
11. Energy-loss spectrum for inelastic scattering of charged particles near the critical points, Phys. Rev. A, v. 39, № 12, 1989 (USA), p. 6573-6581.
12. Line shape in the EELS of binary mixtures, Physica A, v. 155, 1989 (North-Holland), p. 175-187.
13. Statistical structure of energy-loss spectrum of charged particules scattered from binary disordered systems, Chem. Phys. (USSR), v.8, № 11, 1989, p. 1463-1470.
14. Formation of high-ohmic channels in semiconductor films, Solid-State Phys. (USSR), v. 31, № 12, 1989, p. 159-160.
15. Non-linear dopant diffusion and decoration of vacancy component of subsurface microdefect cluster in silicon , Solid State Phys. 1991, v.93, N7,p.2153-2158.
16. Elastic electron scattering from a multicentered potential, Phys. Lett. A, v. 171, № 1, 1992 (North-Holland, The Netherlands), p. 71-75.
17. Statistical form-factor of a plasma-like medium taking unto account short-range interactions, Plasma Phys., v. 19, № 2, 1993, p. 160-169.
18. Statistical theory of charge-particle scattering from multiparticle target. Theor. Math. Phys., v. 99, № 1, 1994, p. 81-91.
19. Elastic nucleon scattering from deutron. Ukrainian Journ. of Phys., v. 39, № 5, 1994, p. 533-539.
20. Exactly solvable statistical problems for electron scattering from the manyparticle disordered systems. Scientific Papers of Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, University of Messina, Italy. - v. 70, 1994, p. 391-411.
21. Ordering effects in colloidal suspensions within the charged hard-spheres model.
Physica B, 1996, № 3, p. 41-52.
22. Frequency moments analysis of dynamic structure factor of statistical systems. Physica A, 1999, A 268, p. 513-524.
23. Static correlations in the ordered colloidal systems. Cond. Matt. Phys. 1999, v. 2, № 3(19) p.p. 401-414.
24. Fluctuational dynamics of non-linear reactive systems on a 1 D lattice. Cond. Matt. Phys., 1999, v. 2, № 1 (17), p. 75-79.
25. Structure factor of nonlinear reactive systems on a 1 D lattice. Ukr. Journ. of Phys. 1999, v. 44, № 12. p. 1600-1614.
26. Tamm resonances and minibands in 1 D lattice. Cond. Matt. Phys., 1999, v. 2, № 5 (25), p. 306-320.
27. Fluctuational Dynamics and the Structure factor of nonlinear reactive systems on 1D lattice. Ukr.Journ.Phys.2000, v.45, N 4-5, p.554-559.
28. Compaction of Granular Graphite in a vertically vibrated container with restricted geometry. Cond.Matt.Phys.2001, v.4, N1(25), p.161-164
29. Differential equation of state of model system with singular measure: applications to granular materials in steady states. Physica A, 2002, 312, p.172-180.
30. Kinetics of granular segregation. Ukr.J.Phys, 2003, 48, N8, p.885-896.
31. Elastic scattering on multicentred potential. Reports of National Academy of Science of Ukraine (“Dopovidi”), 2003, 4, c.64-69.
32. Kinetics of driven granular materials. Ukr.J.Phys., 2004, (accepted).
33. Exactly solvable model of chemically reactive frustrated lattice. Physica A, 2004, (submitted).
34. Global conservation low for driven granular materials. Europhys.Lett., 2004, (submitted).
Труды и тезисы конференций
1. Non-additive corrections to scattering cross-sections from many particle systems, Abstracts Conference “Statistical Physics”, Lviv, LSY, 1982, p. 4.
2. Peculiarities in statistical structure factors of simple gases and liquids, Abstracts of VI Symposium “Molecular interaction”, Vilnius, Publ. VSY, 1982, p. 117.
3. Dielectric characteristics of hydrodynamical model of polar liquid, Abstracts of Mendeleev Conference, Kharkov, Publ. Khark. State University, 1983, p. 47-50.
4. Non-additive contributions to thermodynamical characteristics of simple gases and liquids, Abstracts Conference, Odessa State University, 1983, p. 47-50.
5. Structural studying of molecular complexes by EELS-method, Abstracts Symposium on molecular interaction, Puschino, Moscow State University, 1986, p. 41-42.
6. Correlational structure of EELS near the critical points, Abstracts of International Symposium on molecular interaction, Puschino, Moscow State University, 1986, p. 43-44.
7. Spectroscopic methods of coherent scattering in condense matter physics. Abstracts of VII Republic Conference in Chemical Physics, Tallinn, Tallinn State University, v. 2, 1987, p. 74-75.
8. Statistical structure of electron energy loss spectrum (EELS) near the critical points, Abstracts of Conference “Modern problems of statistical physics”, Lviv, Lviv State University, 1987, p. 134-135.
9. Non-additive effects of electron density distribution function in molecular systems by methods an spectroscopy of coherent X-ray and neutrons scattering,
Modern Problems of statistical physics, Proceedings of International symposium, Kiev, v. 2, 1989, p. 16-24.
10. Line shape in EELS of chemically reacting systems, Abstracts of the VII EMLG (European physical Society Conference). Conference, Novosibirsk, 1989, p. 36.
11. Relations between EXAFS, EELS, X-ray and neutron scattering for liquid systems, Abstracts of the 2-nd Liquid Matter Europhys. Conf. - Florence, Italy. - 1993, p. 153.
12. Non-eqilibrium effects in elastic scattering from chemically reacted systems. Abstracts of International Workshop in Coherence and Turbulence, ITP Kiev, 1994, p. 6-7.
13. The ordered effects within the model of colloidal suspensions. Abstracts of International Workshop on statistical physics and condensed matter theory, Lviv, Ukraine, 1995, p. 66.
14. Some structural and electronic properties of perfect and defected atomic chains. Abstracts of International Workshop on statistical physics and condensed matter theory, Lviv, Ukraine, 1995, p.100.
15. Critical behaviour of effective potentials in colloidal suspensions within the charged hard-sphere model. Proceeding of Workshop on complex fluids and plasmas, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 1995.
16. Monitoring non-linear chemical dynamics: structure factor of a non-equilibrium one-dimensional chemically reacting mixture on a lattice. Abstracts of International Conference on non-linear dynamics, chaotic and complex systems, Zakopane, Poland, 1995.
17. The ordered effects within the model of colloidal suspensions. Proceeding of International Workshop on statistical physics and condensed matter theory, Lviv, Ukraine, 1996.
18. Structural/electronic properties of defected atomic chains. Proceeding of International Workshop on statistical physics and condensed matter theory, Lviv, Ukraine, 1996.
19. Structure factor of chemically reacted mixtures. Proceeding of International Conference on non-linear dynamics, Warsaw, Poland, 1996.
20. Elastic charge particle scattering by centres with Coulomb and short-range potentials. Abstract of 23-rd European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusions and Plasma Physics. Kiev, Ukraine, 1997, p. 452.
21. Fluctuation dynamics and structure factor of non-linear reactive systems on a lD lattice. Abstract of NATO Advanced Study Institute “Dynamics: Models and Kinetic Methods for Non-equilibrium Many Body Systems”, Leiden, 1998.
22. Frequency moments analysis of the dynamic structure factor of statistical systems with the help of the relations of classical moments problem. Ibid.
23. Conductance properties of dry granular systems in restricted geometry. Ibid.
24. Frequency moments analysis of the dynamic structure factor of statistical systems with the help of the relations of classical moments problem. Abstract of XXth IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Paris, 1998.
25. Conductance properties of dry granular systems in restricted geometry. Ibid.
26. Fluctuation dynamics and structure factor of non-linear reactive systems on a l-d lattice. Ibid.
27. Fluctuation dynamics and structure factor of non-linear reactive systems on a l-d lattice. Proceedings of INTAS-Ukraine Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics, Lviv, 1998.
28. Tamm’s resonances and minibands within the model one-dimensional potential. Ibid.
29. Kinetic model of ordered colloidal suspensions. Ibid.
30. On the structure of surface defect layer of crystalline silicon. Abstract of International conference ECOSS 18 (European Conference on Surface Science), 1999, Vienna, Austria.
31. Complex structural properties of defect distribution in subsurface region of crystalline silicon. Abstract of VI International Conference a Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 1999.
32. Statistical mechanics of chemically reacted systems on lattices. Proceedings of Bogolyubov Conference in theoretical and mathematical physics. Invited papers. October, 1999, Kiev, Institute for theoretical physics, Kiev, Ukraine, 1999.
33. Fluctuational dynamics of chemically reacted systems on lattices. Abstract of XXI-th IUPAP International conference on Statistical Physics, Cancun (Mexico), 2001.
34. Compaction of 1D vertically driven granular materials. Ibid.
35. Kinetic model for segregation in driven granular materials. Proceedings of International Conference “Molecular simulations of complex statistical systems”. Cargese, France, 2001.
36. 1D ballistic model of dissipative systems. Ibid.
37. Phase transitions in traffic flows. Solvable model. Proceedings of International Conference on Dynamical Networks in Complex Systems. Kiel, Germany, 2001.
38.Statistical dynamics of driven granular materials.Annual meetings of Japan National Agency of Space research,Kobe,Japan,2002.
39.Kinetic approach to relaxation processes in granular matter.Workshop RIKEN Center of frontier research,Tokyo,Japan,2002.
40. Statistical mechanics of granular materials: frontiers of research. Proceedings of International seminar in memoriam of A.S.Davydov. Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev, Ukraine, January 2003.
41. Quantum problem of scattering for multicentered potential: exactly solvable models. Proceedings of International Conference “Modern problems of theoretical physics”. Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev, Ukraine, February 2003.
42. Numerical studies of granular materials Interational Conference, CECAM, Lion, France, 2004.
43. Kinetics of driven granular materials. Proceedings of International Bogolyubov Kyiv Conference: Modern Problems of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyiv, Ukraine, 13-17 September, 2004.
Монографии и учебники
1. Hydrodynamical instabilities.Lecture Course. Odessa. Odessa State University, 1986, 20 p.
2. Quantum mechanics. Lecture Course, Odessa, Odessa State University, 1988. 50p.
3. Line shape in EELS of simple disordered systems, Collective monography in ser. Adv. Chem. Phys., v. 75,1989, John Willey (USA), 500 p.
4. Physical kinetics. Course of lectures. Publishers of Odessa Hydrometeorogical Institute, 1995.
5. Quantum mechanics in 2 Dimension: theory of surfaces and interfaces. Lecture course for: Nanoelectronic, University of Palermo,Palermo, Sicily, J.R.S.T., Italy, 1995. p. 250,
6. Mechanics. Course of lectures.Odessa. Publishers of Odessa Hydrometeorogical Institute, 1997. 39 p.
7. Scattering of external radiation’s in statistical systems. Solved models. Scientific monograph, Mayak publishers, Odessa, 1999, 300 p.
8. Environmental Physics. A text book. Odessa State University of Environment, 2003, p.200.
9. Course of General Physics. A text book. Odessa State University of Environment, 2003, p.200.
10. Electrical conductivity of granular matter. //Progress in Condensed Matter Physics. (Ed. by G.Mondio), Messina (Italy), 2004, 600 p.
1. Energy structure of ground state simple liquid, VINITY, Kiev, Registration № 2388, 1980, 100 p.
2. Statistical theory of fine structure of electron energy loss spectrum in simple gases and liquids, Pre-print Institute of Theoretical Physics NSA Ukraine, ITP-85-36R, Kiev, 1985.
3. EELS in disordered systems near the critical point, Pre-print, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven MF, 87/03, Leuven, Belgium, 1987.
4. EELS of binary mixtures, Pre-print, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven MF, 87/09, Leuven, Belgium, 1987.
5. Line shape in EELS, Pre-print Katholieke Universiteit Leuven MF, 87/10, Leuven, Belgium, 1987.
6. Electron spectra of adatomic structures, Preprint Kiev, ITP-91-6E, 1991.
7. Structural and electronic properties of atomic chains, Preprint Kiev, ITP-91-95E, 1991.
8. Modelling of the structure and physical properties of simple disordered systems, Preprint Kiev, ITP-93-4E, 1993.
9. Elastic scattering of particles in two-centred short-ranged potential. Preprint Kiev, ITP-93-41P, 1994.
10. Tamm resonances and minibands in the models of atomic chains and superlattices. Pre-print Kiev, ITP-95-10P, 1995.
11. Model calculation of the density of the excess minority carriers injected under the surface local excitation in semiconductors. Pre-print, Kiev, ITP-95-12P, 1995.
12. Lattice models of chemically reacted systems. Preprint, Université Libre de Bruxelles, CNPCS-12, 1997, Brussels, Belgium.
13. Theory of ordering within charged colloidal suspensions. Pre-print of Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 1997.
14. The kinetic model for segregation in driven granular materials, Pre-print of Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 2001.
15. Differential equation of state of model system with singular measure: applications to granular materials in steady states, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 2001.
16. Energy propagation through granular materials: the mechanisms of sustension, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 2001.
17.Statistical dynamics of granular matter.Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 2002.
18. Solvable problems of physical kinetics. Odessa, Ukraine, 2003. 30p.
19. Elements of non-linear analysis for dissipative systems. Odessa, Ukraine, 2003. 40p.
Отчеты по научно-исследовательским темам
1. Physical properties of cryogenic liquids in under the low-gravitation, Moscow, № 0069829, 1985, 150 p.
2. Structure and kinetics properties of the classical and quantum liquids, Moscow, № 0069828, 1985, 200 p.
3. Scientific report for National Fund of Scientific Research of Belgium. Fluctuation Dynamics of Chemically reacted systems on lattices. Brussels, 1997.
4. Scientific report for NWO, Netherlands: Dynamic light scattering in ordered colloidal suspensions. Eindhoven, 1998.
5. Scientific report to NWO-NATO Scientific Division. The Netherlands. Statistical physics of fragile and soft matter. New trends, problems and perspectives. Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2001.
6. Physics of Dissipative Materials: Granular Matter. Report for Ukrainian Ministry for Education and Science. December 2002. Odessa, Ukraine.
7. Physics of complex systems: dynamical dissipative materials in granular phases. (№ 0203U008730) Odessa, Ukraine, 2003, 90 p.